Aarhus 2020

— Frederiksbjerg Skole

The Danish artist Andreas Schulenburg created his site specific artwork “Krusedulle på papir”, meaning “a curlicue on paper”, for the big common area at Frederiksbjerg Skole in Aarhus, Denmark.

Andreas Schulenburg is known for his cheerful approach to art and his sense for details. With his sculptures and objects in felt, he strives to make us curious and to develop new fun spatial experiences which will become an interesting and natural topic of conversation at the school. The artwork  represents the idea generation emerging in the mind of students when solving a problem, or working on a school project. The work is felt on canvas and represents a paper in a typical A4 letter format but ten times bigger. A black curlicue is attached to the canvas, and the work becomes alive with a three-dimensional pencil, visualizing the movement of an actual pencil drawing a curlicue.

The artwork is realized by Frederiksbjerg Skole in collaboration with Creator Projects and supported by Statens Kunstfond.