The 36,000 m2 Finger E, designed by Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter in collaboration with Zeso Architects, is the largest construction in recent times at Copenhagen Airport: with plenty of room for the travellers, new gates for the aircrafts, a new border control and new site-specific art. As art advisor, Creator Projects has in 2020 assisted Copenhagen Airport in the implementation of two further commissions by leading contemporary artists. Between information, waiting time and the distances from A to B, art creates restful focus points and thus strengthens the airport experience.
William Soya, Light Sculpture, 1975
Copenhagen Airport has acquired the artwork Light Sculpture (1975) by the Danish artist William Soya (1927-1994) and is now installed in the new extension of the airport, Finger E. In spirit of the airport, the artwork has been on quite a journey, first originally installed in Kolding Library for over 30 years, afterwards disassembled and stored in a repository, then undergone extensive restoration work made by Bevaringscenter Nord, and now installed in the airport as its final destination inspiring passengers for their coming journeys. The work adds a spectacular light to the airport, especially generated by the natural light flooding in from roof lights during the day and LED lighting with the approach of dusk.
The work is a donation from Kolding Municipality with generous support from the Danish Arts Council. The installation in Finger E is funded by Copenhagen Airports and curated by Creator Projects.
Jeppe Hein, Your Journey, 2020
Jeppe Hein (b.1974) is interested in the unique relationship between artwork and viewer and creates installations that prompt engagement and interaction. With his installation ‘Your Journey’, Hein has created an artwork which envelops the connecting passage on the ground floor of Finger E at Copenhagen Airport, where it allows individual reactions and reflections and inspires thoughts and emotions connected with travelling.
The walls in front of the entrance to the passage are blue with white faces painted by Jeppe Hein. Each face has an individualised expression of the artist’s interpretation of various emotional states such as feeling good, strange, afraid, surprised, angry, happy or ready. With this as a backdrop, five neon boxes, in the form of speech bubbles, are fixed to the wall, displaying short sentences. In the passage itself, you are once again engulfed by Hein’s universe of unique faces. Here, the white walls are painted with blue faces while the blue floor is covered with white faces, all of them silently asking, ‘How are you today?’
The work has been realised by Copenhagen Airports in collaboration with Creator Projects, KONIG GALERIE, Berlin/London/Tokyo, 303 GALLERY, New York, and Galleri Nicolai Wallner.
Foto: William Soya, Light Sculpture, 1975. Photo by David Stjernholm.

Foto: William Soya, Light Sculpture, 1975. Photo by David Stjernholm.

Foto: William Soya, Light Sculpture, 1975. Photo by David Stjernholm.

Foto: William Soya, Light Sculpture, 1975. Photo by David Stjernholm.

Foto: Jeppe Hein, Your Journey, 2020. Photo by David Stjernholm.

Foto: Jeppe Hein, Your Journey, 2020. Photo by David Stjernholm.

Foto: Jeppe Hein, Your Journey, 2020. Photo by David Stjernholm.

Foto: Jeppe Hein, Your Journey, 2020. Photo by David Stjernholm.