Nørrebro, Odense 2022-2024

— Tietgen

In mid-August 2024, Odense Municipality opened the doors to a modern campus of just over 8,000 m2 dedicated to the education of students within the field of trade, economics and commerce. TietgenSkolen eud & eux’s new building designed by Kjaer & Richter, is tailored to embrace a wide range of diverse subjects while also fostering an inspiring study environment across the different educational programs. The integrated artworks contribute to connecting life at the new school, functioning both as markers of place and as a starting point for conversation and inspiration exchanged across the school’s disciplines and roles.

Creator Projects has in the period from 2022-2024 provided TietgenSkolen with art consultation and project managing in order to develop art works integrated in the new school buildings. The site-specific artworks created by Asger Harbou Gjerdevik and Johanne Rude Lindegaard have been curated by Creator Projects in collaboration with the art committee at TietgenSkolen. 

The artworks by Gjerdevik and Lindegaard are the first two of a total of four large-scale site-specific artworks that will be integrated in TietgenSkolen. Later this year, two additional large artworks created by  internationally renowned artists will be added to the school’s atrium and rooftop terrace.

TietgenSkolen eud & eux, located in Den Grønne Kile (The Green Wedge), is part of a larger neighborhood complex of educational institutions close to Odense Harbor. Here, the art at TietgenSkolen is part of a broader narrative about art in educational environments, where several significant artistic projects make their mark both inside and out.

The construction of TietgenSkolen´s new building was carried out by contractor C.C. Contractor in collaboration with the architectural firm Kjaer & Richter, SWECO, and DETBLÅ. The project was realised with generous support from the Danish Arts Foundation, the Obel Family Foundation, the Beckett Foundation, the Albani Foundation, and the Møllerens Art Foundation.

Photo: Visualisation: Kjaer & Richter
Photo: Visualisation: Kjaer & Richter
Photo: Visualisation: Kjaer & Richter
Photo: Asger Harbou Gjerdevik, 'If You Put in the Hours You Will Receive the Flowers´. Photo by Joakim Züger // Barsk Projects
Photo: Asger Harbou Gjerdevik, 'If You Put in the Hours You Will Receive the Flowers´. Photo by Joakim Züger // Barsk Projects
Photo: Johanne Rude Lindegaard ´Udbud´(Supply). Photo by Joakim Züger // Barsk Projects
Photo: Johanne Rude Lindegaard ´Efterspørgsel´(Demand). Photo by Joakim Züger // Barsk Projects