On 24 June, from 00:01 to 23:59, Creator Projects and Copenhagen’s six contemporary art institutions turned the city into a stage for performance art. Art in a Day kicked off with a programme buzzing with free art experiences of all kinds taking place in the contemporary art institutions and outside in the city’s spaces – in its streets and backyards, outside the department store Magasin du Nord, in the garden of Restaurant Noma, on bridges, in church towers and on the water.
The star-studded programme featured international artists such as Peaches, VALIE EXPORT, Baby Dee, Martin Creed, Tosh Basco, Arvida Byström, and Monster Chetwynd as well as Danish Maja Malou Lyse and Esben Weile Kjær, Sophie Dupont, KasperSophie, Jules Fischer, Jacob Kirkegaard and Henrik Vibskov.
Art in a Day kicked off already on 23 June with the Turner Prize winner Martin Creed’s performance All the Bells in front of GL STRAND in the inner city at 11:22. There, the programme was launched with a large sound work performed by churches in Copenhagen, primary school bells, children’s voices and the city’s own soundscape. Just after midnight on 24 June, at 00:01, the 24-hour programme started in earnest when the internationally renowned musician and visual artist Peaches gave a nocturnal music performance at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art. In the morning and in the course of the day a choir wearing costumes by the designer Henrik Vibskov marched through the streets of Copenhagen – mapping out the route from the performances of one contemporary art institution to the next. As people made their way through the streets and canals of Copenhagen, art performances popped up continuously until Art in a Day concluded at Copenhagen Contemporary on Refshaleøen – where Peaches ended this year’s 24-hour performance programme with an awesome after-party.
Art in a Day was created in collaboration with Copenhagen’s six contemporary art institutions, which joined forces to create this annual celebration of performance art. Art in a Day is created in order to move art into public space, giving everyone a chance to experience star performance artists and new talents during a 24-hour period packed with diverse, extraordinary, and interactive art experiences.
The programme was curated by Creator Projects in close collaboration with Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen Contemporary, Nikolaj Kunsthal, O – Overgaden, Kunsthal Charlottenborg and Kunstforeningen GL STRAND.
Art in a Day is supported by Festivalpuljen at Copenhagen’s Municipality, the Danish Arts Foundation, Spar Nord Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Ny Carlsbergfondet, Copenhagen’s Municipality.

Photo: Programme designed by Stine Sonnichsen and Martin Wendelbo.

Photo: Martin Creed, All the Bells, 2022, Kunstforeningen GL STRAND. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Jules Fischer, Vanitas, 2022, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Peaches, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: VALIE EXPORT, Ping Pong - Ein Film Zum Spielen, Ein Spielfilm, Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Henrik Vibskov, Parade, 2022, between all contemporary art institutions. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Sophie Dupont, I Breathe You Do You Breathe Me?, 2022, Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Baby Dee, Musical performance with organ and cello together with Mabe Fratti, 2022, Nikolaj Kunsthal. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: KasperSophie, Peuple, 2022, Magasin Du Nord. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Arvida Byström, A Cybernetic Doll's House, 2022, O – Overgaden. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Jacob Kirkegaard, Riverbed, 2022, boat trip around the city’s canals. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Martin Creed, Music performance, 2022, Kunstforeningen GL STRAND. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Wu Tsang & Tosh Basco, Moved by the Motion, 2022, Refshalevej 96. Photo by Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: © Monster Chetwynd. Courtesy of Sadie Coles HQ, London. Photo: Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: © Monster Chetwynd. Courtesy of Sadie Coles HQ, London. Photo: Barsk Projects.

Photo: Photo: Jonathan Damslund.

Photo: Maja Malou Lyse & Esben Weile Kjær, The Big Gang Bang Theory, 2022, Refshaleøen. Photo: Barsk Projects.